[PSUBS-MAILIST] Question for the group

"Carsten Standfuß " MerlinSub at t-online.de
Wed Apr 9 18:00:00 EDT 2014

No should start from the sail. 
The diver chamber need to much compress gases to be useful just for a
lock out with the ROV. 
The hole idea of The ROV is to safe time, gas and decompression time and
use it for a first lock 
out before we decide to open the lock out chamber for the divers - and
the saturation time starts to run. 

Must be good for 1000 feet.  cable can be short say 300 feet . 

vrb Carsten

could you launch your rov from your diver lock out?
Have a way of opening & closing the hatch automatically &
attach the winch above the exit hatch.

Sent from my iPad

On 10/04/2014, at 7:31 am, "Carsten Standfuß " <MerlinSub at t-online.de>

I need drawings etc for a small ROV with docking station with a pressure
tight winch as attachment to my sub.  
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