Marc de Piolenc piolenc at archivale.com
Wed Nov 27 20:39:15 EST 2013

The USA used to have the patent system most friendly to the small 
inventor. Recent changes to "harmonize" the US system with foreign 
systems sacrificed key features of the US patent system in favor of 
features borrowed from inferior systems.

Changing from first-to-invent (absolute priority) to first-to-file 
sacrifices the rights of the actual inventor in favor of the first to 
get his file opened at the Patent Office, which of course is usually the 
Big Guy.

Marc de Piolenc

On 11/27/2013 11:00 PM, jimtoddpsub at aol.com wrote:

> 4.  Patent laws change.  In March of 2013 the most sweeping change in
> patent law since 1952 went into effect in the US.  Much of the intent
> was to make it easier for the small guy and encourage innovation.

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