[PSUBS-MAILIST] Ballasting & stability

hank pronk hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca
Sun Dec 1 18:37:25 EST 2013

When I was struggling to get my small sub stable enough at the surface (test pool)  I bought two ballast bags on e bay  with the intention of doing exactly what your talking about.  The bags are very good quality for the money.  They are ballast bags for wake boats.  

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 3:59:08 PM, Alan <alanlindsayjames at yahoo.com> wrote:
On a more mundane topic,
I was looking at these lift bags as a way to conform to classification
requirements for surface flotation when a ballast tank is damaged.
If you do an image search on "closed lift bags" you will see a lot of variations.
I'm not sure if they would be an acceptable solution with G.L., but there are classified
submersibles that use lift bags enclosed in pipes as their main ballast tanks.
Aside from aiding exit from a submersible with damaged ballasts they
could supply extra lift at depth if ensnared & on the surface, help with entry / exit in 
rough conditions. ( could have done with some in Florida )
I envisage a set up having one either side of the hull under a hatch that pops
open as the bags expand.
I think Glen from South Africa brought this up a few years back but not in the
context of damaged or malfunctioning ballast tanks.

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