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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Fwd: Another sub for sale

BIG Dave, DOS 5.0???? What's that??? Do you have a crank in the back of your 
computer??? No wonder you can't afford to upgrade; your mind has been filled 
with all that Mill's, Feldman, and Bentham Utilitarianism. I loved the 
"Doctrine of the Swine theory". I used to play mind games with my philosophy 
professors. They usually won. Philosophy doesn't help when designing Psubs 
though. Hmmmm... maybe it helps during the frustration phase. What would the 
great philosophers have to say about Psubbers???  From each his ability to 
each his need? Marx would approve. We certainly are not alienated from our 
labor, in fact, our lives depend on it. Most philosophers would probably 
agree with most other people: we're a crazy bunch. Sorry, some times I have 
to add my two cents and I get carried away. Back to reality,
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