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Re: Question for Pat- "SKIPJACK" exhaust: reply...


Thomas "Doc" Rowe, President, TARCO Research had contacted me back in November
regarding the specs and information on the PSUBS web site. He said a lot of
it was incorrect. Though he has yet to supply any corrections. So use these
specs with a grain of salt.


> From: Jon Hylands <hylands@ibm.net>
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: Question for Pat- "SKIPJACK" exhaust: reply...
> Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 20:33:55 GMT
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> On Fri, 10 Dec 1999 22:02:57 -1000, "Captain Nemo" <vulcania@interpac.net>
> wrote:
> > As far as the VASH project goes; where can I find a picture of it? 
> You can see pics of the VASH at http://www.bionicdolphin.com. The pictures
> link has a lot of good pics, and you can see a good one of the bobbed tail
> and exhaust exit at http://www.bionicdolphin.com/old/fp/pictures/back1.jpg
> I'll copy some info here that I posted to this list a year and a half
> ago...
> Here is some Bionic Dolphin (VASH) information.
>  - about 12' long
>  - 600 lbs (very positively buoyant)
>  - carbon/kevlar/spectra outer shell
>  - fiberglass inner shell around pilot
>  - closed cell hard foam filler (sprayed in)
>  - kevlar/foam composite bulkheads
>  - partial F-16 canopy
>  - 200 HP two-stroke V6
>  - cut-off tail flat, which created a vortex while moving submerged
>     -- helped to draw out the exhaust
>  - builder has had it down to 50 feet
>  - could stay down for two minutes - engine had a compressed air supply
>  - did not have any type of scrubber, cockpit air just got stale
>  - hydroplaned on surface at 85 mph, submerged up to 35 mph
> The project was a success from a mechanical standpoint, but they were not
> able to market it. The Coast Guard requires certification of any dry
> one-atmosphere submersible being sold to the public, and they will not
> certify anything that has a fiberglass inner hull. It has to be steel,
> aluminum, titanium, etc.
> Later,
> Jon
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>    Jon Hylands      Jon@huv.com      http://www.huv.com/jon
>   Project: Micro Seeker (Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
>            http://www.huv.com