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Re: bubbles in plastic

Another question if you do not mind.... how thick was the LEXAN and how long
did you bake the water out before forming it?


Subscuba@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/11/99 3:03:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> cstmwrks@xyz.net writes:
> Bill,
>  Lexan is a commercial grade of the Polycarbonate resin. I did buy it as
> Lexan. After forming I let the material cool down over a period of 2 hours
> and have not noticed any stress problems even after ramming a few objects.
> Good luck,
> Ken Martindale
> <<
>  As in LEXAN polycarbonate?... after baking out the water and then heat
> forming it
>  did you again heat it to remove stress from the forming? >>