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RE: Calculation request



That boat is a monster! But don't give up on it yet. You could increase the depth rating dramatically just by adding some extra rings. I ran numbers with 200m as the objective, and here is a possible solution. This is just one possible configuration, you could accomplish the same result with different combinations of number of frames/geometry of frames.

You would need a total of 7 frames, with 4 of them being very heavy (lets say 250kg each) and 3 light (lets say 85kg each). Two of the heavy frames would either be right at the endsof the cylinder, or if the endcaps are strong enough, they would act as frames by themselves. The heavy and light frames would be alternated as shown below:

(   |   [   |   [   |   )

This configuration yields a collapse depth of 234m. The weight addition would be about 1.25 tons, which a 45/55 ton boat should be able to accomodate. If you put 2 of the light frames between each heavy one, your depth goes to 280m for an additional weight of about 1.5 tons.

Alec Smyth

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
[mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Carsten
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 12:54 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: Calculation request

Carsten - from Germany

Hi Big Dave, some answers you find on the mail to Alec.

The Boat overall is 20 m (66 feet with 1 feet = 0,3048 m ) long.
The pressure hull of 2,4m Diameter has a lenght of only 10 m (33 feet).
In front and aft the pressure hull are the hard dive and regulator tanks
(its a combination of both) with 3 feet long each.
One endcap, symbol = (,  or ) , of this tanks goes outside the other
goes inside to the pressure hull like : 
bow(tank)pressure hull(tank)stern. 
The rest is free floading anti-collison areas inside bow and stern.
The reason for the big frame distance is the small amount
of money the builders have had.

The displacement is 45/55 tons. The engine is a 160 HP Diesel.
No other drive engine. The boat dive today only static on one place. You
will find a picture of the sub on on "my" page of Ray's great Homepage
at PSUBS Picture Gallery with the titel "Spurdog".

I have sleep inside last weekend and it is very nice to sleep
in such big submarine. No sound of the Live support system - there
is no L.S.S..- much Space and air inside. And if you switch off the
electric light - than it is night inside - the hole day - good time to
drink some bottles of wiskey and discuss about the mad and poor people
which have not a submarine..

And - hi Karl, the data I have giver to you about this
sub are not longer secret - the dive deep is to shallow for me..

regards, carsten - any other second hand autonomus sub out there ?
It should be bigger than 30 feet and smaller than 90 feet..

regards, Carsten

D. Blake schrieb:
> Carsten:
> Just to satisfy my curiousity, how long is the hull?  What are the stiffener
> ring dimensions?  What shape and thickness are the endcaps?
> Big Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carsten Standfuß <MerlinSub@t-online.de>
> To: Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
> Date: Monday, November 29, 1999 4:50 PM
> Subject: Calculation request
> >Carsten - from Germany
> >
> >Hi friends, some of you use calculation
> >progammes for pressure hulls.
> >I use tables which are older.
> >May some of you can cross check
> >the dive deep ?
> >
> >I can buy an older bigger Psub with the
> >following dimension: (1 inch = 24,5mm)
> >
> >Diameter outside = 2400 mm (98 inch)
> >thickness hull   =   15 mm (0,61 inch)
> >frame distants = 2450 mm (100 inch)
> >Steel : normal working steel, mild steel
> >
> >any cross check welcome, regards Carsten.
> >