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Re: Nuclear sub

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Crouch <eccrouch@cpol.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: Nuclear sub

I can tell you that
>as far as finishes go on subs laminating on formica surfaces will give you
>mirror like finishes, if I can help let me know. I did a summer of
>composites work in MD doesn't make me an expert but I have gotten my hands
>dirty on a lot of fun projects.

I have some questions for you about working in fiberglass.. or plastic.. I
need to make the ballast tanks for the K250.. I have no idea how to even
start to make them.. the plans pretty much leave it to your imagination as
to exact shape, and construction.. the only thing they specify is to make
them out of fiberglass..   I was also toying with the idea of having them
made out of a tough plastic, which I think would be as good as fiberglass..?
I dont know though.. could you give me any pointers...???  like how to form
the shape?? any comments??? you can e-mail me directly if you think this is
out of the scope of the list...
