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Re: Hull Materials

Needs cockroach feces removal and ways oiled.  Use napthal(lighter fluid) to
clean feces and sewing machine oil to lubricate.  May sound "wise" but in
reality it means:
those two rods the scanner head rides on.
When disassembling to clean and oil, be sure to be careful and not disturb
the alignment of critical components.
I remember back in the early 80's I purchased a Mitsubishi front-loading
VCR.  2 months after purchase($459 then,  probably $1000 today) the thing,
quit working.  Tapes cost $5.00 per day to rent(more like $10.00 today).
As I remember, a tape, perhaps "Debbie Does Dallas" or whatever became stuck
in it.  Afraid to do damage to the unit, I took it to the place of purchase
as it was still under warranty.  One week later, I went there to pick it up.
Having left the establishment and entered my Van in the parking lot, I
visually inspected the VCR.  The faceplate was scored with hundreds of
spiderweb-marble like grooves.   I was angered.  I went back into the
establishment straight away to confront the lady who gave it back to me.
Upon questioning,  she looked around herself with shifting eyes--as other
customers were about--and said,
"Mr. Blake, when we took the cover off of your VCR, a number of insects
scurried about looking for shelter.  We quickly placed your VCR in a plastic
garbage bag and sprayed a can of roach killer inside.  Apparently the spray
contained some kind of chemical that melts plastic.  I'am sorry for the
damage; but hell, we had to call in an exterminator to clear the store".
Naturally I was embarrassed beyond words.  I had just recently obtained a
gas range from some people down the road and failed to inspect it before
installation.  Turns out the thing must have been full of cockroaches
because within a short-time we were over-run by the pests.
Shortly thereafter we got rid of the trailer and moved into a HUD apartment
complex.  Cockroaches were quickly replaced by 2-legged pests no more worthy
of survival, but severe sanctions held against attempts at exterminations.
Anyway,  your troubles at getting your device to operate correctly may be do
to needed maintanance.  Just be carefull.

Good Luck
Big Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: Hull Materials

>At 1240 -0500 10/14/99, VBra676539@aol.com wrote:
>>Sure, in my file cabinet. I ever get this scanner going, I'll beam one up
to you.
>Groovy. Mine works better when I turn it on its side and give it a thump.
Hope that helps.
> David
>Osage MN USA