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Re: Tour of the Boat

So here it is the 29th... the 70th anniversary of the stock market crash, and
I'm 45 and Vance is @$#%*&.
Happy Birthday Vance!!


VBra676539@aol.com on 10/22/99 06:21:43 PM

Please respond to personal_submersibles@psubs.org

To:   personal_submersibles@psubs.org
cc:    (bcc: Dan J. Rice/EST/Sherwin-Williams)

Subject:  Re: Tour of the Boat

In a message dated 10/22/99 3:02:20 PM, dan.j.rice@sherwin.com writes:

<<   I'm about to turn
45, (10-29).  I live in Keyport NJ, "The Gateway to the Bayshore!" not far
the water.  >>

Same birthday! What a coincidence--I sure wish I was going to be merely 45
this year,