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Re: Tour of the Boat

Tim, welcome to the club.  Funny thing, no matter which way you look at 'em,
all psubbers are cut from the same cloth.  Reading the posts from some of the
other members makes me realize how similar I am to the rest.  I'm 36, have a
degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Carolina.  I've
been around boats and water all my life and have always thought "what a
waste."  Boating should be a three dimensional activity, not just something
relegated to the timid scurrying about on the 2-D surface.  AND, being
mechanically minded, AND growing up with the space program, AND watching every
episode of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, building my own sub seems only
natural.  It's something I've dreamed of since childhood.  I seem to have an
affinity for activities that are slightly away from the center of the bell
curve.  For example: while in college I used to skydive much to the dismay of
my father who was a pilot and couldn't understand my desire.  Taking a vessel
of my own design into the "Z" axis of water sports is testing the limits of my
abilities but success will be my greatest reward.  Though I haven't fabricated
even one piece of a sub I can't wait for the day when I'm nestled in my little
"space capsule" of a sub, lock the hatch and flood the tanks...


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