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FYI: Nautilus and source of props (Fwd)


Please respond direct to Clint. 

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Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 09:48:00 -0500
From: "Clint O'Connor" <coconnor@austin.rr.com>
Subject: Nautilus and source of props
To: Ray@psubs.org

Ray, nice web site, very interesting.  I'm looking for submarine props for
an underwater ROV project.  In the course of that, I ran across this
interesting Disney working scale sub of the Nautilus - I didn't see it in a
few brief clicks on your web site and thought you might like the reference.


I sell underwater video cameras, but at over 100 feet, it's very hard to get
them pointed in the right direction, so I'm looking for a source of small
props to make a small ROV to control the camera.  Our volume isn't large
enough to justify custom prop design and manufacturing so it seems to be a
choice between the smallest trolling motor prop and the largest model boat
props (Octura or Prather seem to be my choices).  3"-4" is about my range.
I wonder if you might have any specific information on prop sources?

Clint O'Connor
Argonauta Productions

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