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Re: Newbie Question

Carsten - from Germany

Dear Sean, hello group

I have also played with this idear. It seems possible. But with hutch
and windows designed for one side overpressure use, it seems much to
dangerous to control the decompression by the vessels deep.

I think it will be a better way to stand on the bottom with the sub on
own keel or at anchor and use a compressor and pressure bottles for
decompression. Also you can use the gas later for blowing the soft
One aspect on this design is that the pilot must have the possibilty
to help the diver in his suit, gear, bottles, Also to leave the boat. 
For a diver in bigger deep you need a hutch with about 3 feet in
diameter. In small boats maybe a problem. 

Also it is very uncomfortable for the diver to made the hole voyage in
his wet or dry suit. For this reason you need the space to put the diver
in his suit. The sub must be have more space than a complete dry sub. 
A good place for the bottom hutch is maybe the space on the feet of the
second man behind the pilot (first man) with the possible of the first
man to change his position 180° reverse. 

Another problem is the wetness of the cabin. If the diver is back he is
wet, the boat is wet , the diver, instruments, electronis get wet.. 
but it seems possible. 


Sean T. Stevenson schrieb:
> I have an idea for a dry two mode sub, to enable diver deployment
> without a lock.  Ordinarily operating at 1 atmosphere, the pilot and
> diver could conduct a search limited only by fatigue, battery and
> scrubber duration.  Once the search object is located, the interior is
> blown down to ambient (flushed with appropriate gases according to the
> depth), and the diver deployed through a floor hatch.  Once the object
> is recovered or sent up via lift bag, the diver returns to the vehicle
> and both diver and pilot complete any incurred decompression obligation
> inside the vehicle, by maintaining ambient pressure and controlling the
> vehicle depth.  This design would make it unnecessary to design for
> positive internal pressure, and avoid the associated cost.  I am not
> naive enough to think that no one has thought of this before, but would
> like to hear comments as to the feasability of this idea.
> -Sean