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Re: A Hybrid Sub

Hi Vance;

I'm the one who got the humorous answer from you regarding burial chambers being
more comfortable than psubs, but it was Ken Martindale who originally expressed
the thought of psubs looking like steel burial chambers.  Just giving credit
where credit is due.

You seem to have a lot of experience with subs, Military?

Still a novice,  Dan

VBra676539@aol.com on 10/14/99 01:12:49 PM

Please respond to personal_submersibles@psubs.org

To:   personal_submersibles@psubs.org
cc:    (bcc: Dan J. Rice/EST/Sherwin-Williams)

Subject:  Re: A Hybrid Sub

I have a whole bunch of experience with Diver Lock Out subs (PC-15, PC1202,
PC1801, JSL I & II) and I'm telling you guys that it ain't as easy as it sounds.
Everything has to be waterproof, and gas proof, and bullet proof and goof proof.
Everything stays wet in a chamber, and nothing lives long in the working
environment without a grunch of maintenance. It can sure be done. We've done it.
But boy oh boy those nights doing post-dive overhauls on scrubbers and valves
and trim tanks seals. Makes me yawn to think about it. And that didn't even
include control panels and electronics. Not to mention all the viewports have to
be double-acting, the hatch has to be double-acting, and if you lose buoyancy
control for any reason whatsoever and go up with a leak you can't fix, you'll be
right back to Dan's steel burial chamber, only with windows so the family can
see that last delightful expression on your face while they're burying you. If
you want DLO, you might be better off building a!
 1-man recompression chamber for the family and then operating a dry-ambient sub
with a lower hatch to get out and swim around from. That way when (not if)
something fails, you've got some control of what happens after. Otherwise you're
stuck with a DLO that needs a surface crew, and a 1-atm section for a Dive
Chief/Pilot to truck you around and let you out and take you home when you get
done. It's pretty neat, but it's cumbersome.