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Re: weary silence

If you look through the psub archive, there is quite a bit of discussion on
floatation bags including:
material, packing, deployment, etc.  Look under ballast.
Big Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: Axel Iehle <ai@augusta.cma.fr>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: weary silence

>> In a message dated 10/12/99 10:00:42 PM, dan.j.rice@sherwin.com writes:
>> << Also, concerning escapes, are there buoyancy devices that can be
>> to
>> raise a sub in trouble without having to exit it 100 feet down?
>> Dan
>>  >>
>> called main ballast tanks, mostly.
>> Vance
>I guess what was meant is more a kind of backup ballast system.
>Something like big scuba-diving ascending parachutes...
>Just for emergency.
>I've never heard about that (built-in in a sub) but I thought to this
>feature for providing massive buyoancy.
>What for?
>Well, say, in case problems with both mainballast, trim tank(s), and (all)
>engines. Not very likely to occure at once would you say? Probably true.
>OK then: if you're tied in a fishing net, you could manage to lift the net
>with the sub... not sure hmmmm?