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Re: depth gauges


I'm working off a set of K-350 blueprints of Capt. Kittredge's.  I've not
yet purchased the depth gauges so I've no idea of the cost, but he specifies
part No. 1009A produced by Ashcroft Instruments-W.L. Blake & Co., (207)
773-6462.  Since the K-350 has a safe operating depth of 350', I'm assuming
the gauge should operate to at least that depth.  Hope it helps.

Bill Winner

-----Original Message-----
From: protek@shreve.net <protek@shreve.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: depth gauges

>    Some companies make pressure gauges calibrated in feet of fresh water.
>I once saw one in a mail order listing, but failed to order it, and now can
>not remember where it was.  But, if I find one I will post it.  I too am
>looking for one to go to at least 200 feet.  My sub has a pressure
>transducer that sends voltage information to an amplifier and then to an
>LED display.  But I would like to have a backup gauge that is not in PSI
>but in feet of H2O.
>Gary Boucher