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Re: periscopes

    Well,  the way I see it, you guys have a little more wisdom and
experience than I do, since I'm still in the design phase of my little
project.  I was going thru the archives at the website and wondered if
Jon Shawl didn't say it best when he said you should use those things
attached to your head  ( i.e. ears).  Although how do you listen for
sailboats n the like?  Anyway, the search continues.....


                              Chris Nugent

--- protek@shreve.net wrote:
>     Why don't you guys just use a small lipstick TV
> camera.  You can get
> one like I did for $100 that is about 5/8 inch in
> diameter.  You will have
> to put it in a windowed housing that is pressure
> proof.  I built mine out
> of a cast acrylic tube with a thick acrylic end
> solvent welded onto the
> cast tube.  I have a PVC O-Ringed plug in the back
> for servicing.  I do not
> have photos now but should have them soon.  You will
> need a small LCD or
> LED TV inside to view the surface or the Superbowl.
>     Submarine periscopes use converging lenses all
> along the tube to
> continue converging the image over and over.  This
> is how they "Pipe" the
> image into the sub.  I would think that it would be
> tricky at best to
> allign one.
>     One more thought on periscopes is this:  If you
> use them for checking
> on surface traffic it will be too late if you see it
> coming.  I needed mine
> to look for orientation and navigation without
> having to use air for
> surfacing to see where I am.
> Gary Boucher

This message sent in the name of the King, His Majesty Dirk Pitt

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