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Psub Design Steps


I want to thank you for the feedback I have received, both personal and 
public, on my posting.  I want emphasize that this was not intended to be 
"the way" to design a Psub.  I hope, in time, to lay out at least a half a 
dozen ways to design a boat, so that a designer  can "mix and match" the 
approaches as he or she sees fit.

The approach I laid out was the "over-engineered" approach, which I believe 
has merit.  For myself, when I designed the "Undaunted", I used the "Sears 
and Roebuck" method.  I went into the Sears in Orlando, FL, in 1973, and used 
what they had in stock.  My "small vents" were simply the smallest valves 
they had in stock, and my "large vents" were simply the largest they had in 
stock.   My ballast pumps where simply the largest they had, and my motors 
were simply their largest trolling motors in stock.  My boat was 4 feet at 
the conning tower and 16 feet long because marine plywood came in 8 by 4 foot 
sheets, and I wanted to minimize the number I needed.  It was all 

I am also considering the "benchmark approach".  Here you look at as many 
existing designs as possible, and mix and match from them.  Another approach 
could be the "component approach".  Here you plot out all of the component 
parts you want, and then build a hull to go around them.  So please do not 
get wrapped around the axle on my first rough draft of one of 5-6 design 
approaches.  I am still in the "brain storming" stage of all of this.

Again, thanks for your input,
