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Circumferential lobes ? (Fwd)

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Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 22:03:54 -0000
From: "Karl & Shirin Fuller" <fullerk@voyager.co.nz>
Subject: Circumferential lobes ?
To: "Personal Submersibles" <Members@psubs.org>

Hi friends , I have been searching the net for a while now and as a novice '
surfer ' and very keen submersible builder to be , I was very happy to find
this site and wouldn't let it be until 2 : 30 a.m. ! New Zealand is a long way
from the sources of materials and information . If there is another  ' Kiwi '
with interests in submersibles I would  certainly like to get in contact with

Now for my question . What are CIRCUMFERENTIAL LOBES. I was playing around
with the demo hull calculation guide from the web page , and the only thing I
couldn't understand was the above.

I live on a 60 ft. steel yacht which I designed and built , my trade , is to
work with steel and engineering. My interest is to build about a 30 - 40 ft.
diesel / electric submersible.

Congrats. on such  a great web site !

Karl Fuller.

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