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Re: which steel

I've used ASTM A514, which I believe is similar to A516. These are both low 
carbon construction Steels. They are typically used where price is a 
consideration, but also where strength and plasticity is a consideration. 
Weldability is very good. They are typically used for  large structors and 
boilers. AISI 4130 is similar to 4140, which I've used for dies. The last 
two digits (sometimes 3) identify the % carbon .01  These are considered 
machinery steels (higher carbon content), and include Mo and Cr (first two 
digits), which make them more corrosion resistant and improves their wear 
resistance. They can be heat treated to increase their strength 
significantly (100 Kpsi yield). I would imagine the A516 is cheaper, but 
that's a guess. Hope this  helps, happy welding.

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