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Re: Gyros and Compass Modules

    I think the BASIC Stamp is a good idea for many applications,
especially where math calculations are required.  However, my favorite to
work with is the Motorola 68HC11 Series of Microcontrollers.  I have a
68HC811 in my compass module housing that sends the data from the compass
back into the sub in RS-232 9600 baud format.  I don't have any experience
with the Stamp but I know it is popular.  With the Motorola processors you
have to use assembly language.  I have two of these processors in my subs
monitoring systems.
    The Vector module is very small, about 1.5 x 1.5 inches and requires
almost no power.  They are rugged and except for the gimbled version have
no moving parts.  The resolution is 1 degree, and the accuracy is 2
degrees.  I have tried to navigate underwater with a small Boyscout type
compass.  It was almost impossible.  When I turned on the power to the
motor the compas would swing as much as 45 degrees.

Gary Boucher

At 03:16 AM 8/26/99 GMT, you wrote:
>On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 21:35:34 -0500, protek@shreve.net wrote:
>>     I am in the process of adding the gimbled version to my sub.  The
>> problem that I have is that I am not sure how well it will work because my
>> hull seems very magnetic.  I may not be placing it far enough from the hull
>> for usable service.  I have mine in an acrylic tube with PVC ends and held
>> in place with coated aluminum bars.
>Have you seen this URL:
>It describes interfacing the Vector to a PC parallel port and a BASIC
>   Jon Hylands      Jon@huv.com      http://www.huv.com/jon
>  Project: Micro Seeker (Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
>           http://www.huv.com