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Re: Silver sub

Thanks Jon, but I don't need to visit your web site, I've looked at it many 
times, and love your designs. I usually find many ways to improve on a 
product, but I'm having a hard time improving on your aesthetics. In fact my 
sub incorporates many of the features you have on your site. I intend on 
making the  two piece canopy myself. I'll probably make the inner hull from 
stainless or aluminum. I've welded on both, but I prefer the strength of 
stainless, especially when considering that the pressure is evenly 
distributed over all surfaces. I've got some friends looking for stainless 
scrap know, and depending on what I can find will determine how my internal 
hull is configured. New stainless is cost prohibitive, and I don't want to 
roll form it. I might have to weld sections together and reinforce them with 
ribs. I intend on keeping it to a minimal volume to minimize air volume, 
mass, ballast, increase strength, etc, etc. I've already found some DC 
motors, 96-140vdc, 15 HP units, which should really make the unit fly. 
Unfortunately, I'm looking at controllers, relays, etc, which you really 
need for high output units like this, ie, not your typical trolling motor. 
With those high voltages and currents, I can't afford a short. Also I'm 
looking at a Kort nozzle configuration for the inlet. I haven't figured out 
all the physics yet for an optimum high velocity, low pressure imbedded 
nozzle, so I'm still doing the research on this. If I can find some good 
engineering calcs on Kort nozzles, I'll be happy. If anyone out there wants 
to look at an aesthetically (really cool) designed sub, I suggest they visit 
Jon's web site

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