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Re: Maintaining depth

Message text written by INTERNET:personal_submersibles@psubs.org

Hi ,Jon:
        Graham's original idea for Deep Flight  was a high speed
search/survey vehicle  . . .it was designed to cover relatively large areas
at high rates of speed, locate such targets as downed aircraft and have the
ability to swoop down to look/photograph, drop locator beacon/pinger etc.
It took so damn long to make even the shallow prototype ( I know the
feeling well!!) that events and technology overtook the need. In a space of
a few years the electronic bottom imaging technology made enormous leaps,
primarily due to the digital revolution. Today's scanning/multi-beam sonar
units - Mesotech - Imagenex- Klein- OIC etc., can mount the same sort of
search that Graham envisaged - from a surface vessel. For example: Marty
Klein's 5000 series multi-beam can cover a thousand foot wide swath with
100% bottom coverage, at 10 knots - you can search a square mile with no
holidays in about 45 minutes, allowing for turns - and with incredible
resolution ( down to single fish!). At Nuytco, we use  an Imaginex 880-NS,
an ultra high resolution polar-scanning sonar specially developed for us by
Willi Wilhelmsen. the originator of today's style of polar/sector scanning
sonars ( The 'NS' stands for NewtSub). We also use Mesotech and Tri-tech
units. So, the common thing today is to find it with sonar and have a
look-see with an ROV or a DOV.  (DOV? - see www.nuytco.com)
        That is the situation, and it's a credit to Graham that he was able
to get the thing built at all! Mind you, there would have been a few
unhappy original investors if he hadn't got it done! (G). There are
certainly good potential projects for DF - the movies spring immediately to
mind - it's a pretty sexy looking rig! You're right, though, DF is not a
work vehicle - although Graham has designs for a work version. He's a
clever guy -  and, although we are friendly competitors, I have a lot of
respect for his abilities - and, besides, it's been fun working with him on
various projects, over the years!
        Would I build a DF style boat?? Naw, that's Graham's baby!

Phil Nuytten