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Re: Radios, Sonar Communications, (Response to Charlie)

Hi, Gary:
        I was talking about acoustic signal. RF is attenuated exponentially
( the power requirement increases with the square of the distance - well,
not quite . .but pretty bad (G) ) You can use RF for a  very, very short
distance . . .a matter of a few meters. I have had quite a bit of
experience with amplitude modulated (AM) for wireless diver comms -
emergency bell comms- sub comms - habitats, etc. and they work fine over
short ( 100 meters or less) distances but require pretty large wattages to
get any reasonable range and are quite noise-prone.

Phil Nuytten

P.S. don't sell a surface-towed bouy and a vhf system short . .very cheap .
.very reliable . .available any where .. good visual reference for chase
boat . and with the new digitals, VERY clear . .long range . .and the
system can easily expand to include a miniature video transmitter  to give
broadcast video in real time!!!  (Darn, I'm gonna have to stop givin' away
all these 'speed secrets'!)