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Subjects for National Geographic Television (Fwd)

Any voluteers? Or ideas?

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Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 12:25:41 EDT
From: NatGeo11@aol.com
Subject: Subjects for National Geographic Television
To: ray@psubs.org

Dear Ray,

I am researcher currently working for National Geographic Television in 
London.  We are currently making the series "Explorer's Tales" for the 
National Geographic Channel.  This a series of 65 films on a mix of subjects 
- exploration, technological innovation, natural history and extreme sports, 
everything from people who run the 150km Sahara race to the 3D mapping of 
underwater cave systems in Florida.

We already have a pre-shot story on Tony Hawks and the development of his 
personal sub - Deep Flight and I'm looking for a parallel story along the 
same lines.  I'm wondering if there are any interesting stories, developments 
or first trials of any personal subs that are going on at the moment or in 
the next couple of months that would make a good television documentary ?  
Our production is based in London - so any British/European stories would be 
great but I realise that you may have mainly US membership.

Or I'm also thinking that maybe we could profile the PSUBS organisation - do 
you meet formally?  Do you have members around the world?  How do you 

Any ideas gratefully received!

Yours sincerely,

Harriet Scott
Fax + 44 171 287 9941
Tel + 44 171 287 4545 x 368
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