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Re: No Subject

In a message dated 8/2/99 4:38:50 AM, 72020.572@compuserve.com writes:

<<Hi, Vance:
        Do you remember what the all-singing, all-dancing,  Kitteridge
350's sold for when they were being sold? . . .or do you know of any
changing hands over the past few years and at what $ ? I'm trying to
detrmine the cost of an off-the-shelf 350', one person sub,  on average - -
but it seems that there are few available!! ( this is for a paper study)

Phil Nuytten>>

I think Rick Wilson ended up spending $14-$15K on his (the one I have). 
George sold another one a year or so ago, under closed bid, for about the 
same, and was disappointed. More has been spent. One in Jacksonville (a K-350 
stretch) went for $100K+ and the last one built, for a Japanese cadet 
training facility, cost over $400K.
I suspect the usual sort of cost might have run as high as $25 to $40 K.
