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Re: Platypus
At 20:47 23-07-99 EDT, VBra676539@aol.com wrote:
>I'm bad for names, so I'll apologize up front. Who was I talking to in
>Australia about the Platypus sub?
It wasn't me but I was so surprised to learn of a sub maker in Sydney I
just had to go looking around.
>Platypus Marine Surveys PTY. LTD.
>193-197 Military Road
>Neutral Bay,
>NSW 2076,
I can't find a current listing for them in the Phone book, but I did find:
Platypus Marine Incorporated, 1441 N Northlake Way, Suite 220, Seattle, WA
98103, USA, (TEL) 206-633-1073, (FAX) 206-633-1283,
At:http://www.biology.usu.edu/avery/subs.htm is a photo of a 'Nekton Gamma'.
Dave Everett.