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Re: History (was: Cheap Thrills Dept., Civil War submarine section)
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael B Holt <michaelbholt@juno.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 10:58 PM
Subject: History (was: Cheap Thrills Dept., Civil War submarine section)
>I'd think this would have been a major project. It would have required
>about 25 HP to move the thing (I think). That's kinda large for a DC
>motor today, as I recall.
Would it have required THAT much? Judging by the tv movie
"HUNLEY" on TNT, the sub was propelled by eight men turning
hand cranks using upper body strength. How much power can
one man generate? Seems like I've heard 0.75 of one horse-
power maximum. [This is from memory, so it may be wrong.]
That times 8 would be 6 horsepower. And according to what
I've read, the sub could move at about 4 knot.
["TNT" translation: I married Jane Fonda, so how
much of a liberal can I be? <G>]