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I am using Turbocad for my sub. It came with two separate programs, one for
2D (version 3.0) and the other 3D (version 1.0). They are both easy to use,
and 2D is robust, but the 3D generates unwanted lines whenever I substract
solids from each other. The unwanted lines mess up your drawings so much, I
basically had to give up using the 3D program. A shame, because its great if
it were not for this one fault.
Has anyone run into this, or more importantly, has anyone run into a fix?
Does anyone have 3D in a version newer than 1.0? I contacted IMSI without
obtaining any response.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Dick
> Morrisson
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 1999 2:39 AM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: More Cad Programs from Ebay
> I would vote for TurboCad as the cheap software to use for
> passing drawings
> and pictures (including 3D!) back and forth. I bought it on a lark even
> though I already have MicroCadam Helix software on my machine. It was too
> cheap to pass up (I think it was being "cleared" for just $15 as
> I remember).
> Any other votes for this one? At least one could see the
> pictures others had
> created, on their own machine, without learning the whole system.
> Dick Morrisson
> Dave Everett wrote:
> > Imsisoft were giving away turbocad a few months ago, maybe they
> still are.
> > I upgraded it for $29.95
> >
> > www.imsisoft.com
> >
> > Dave Everett.