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Re: AutoCAD 2000
Hey Paul:
Take much of what I said as tongue-in-cheek, please? Still; consider this,
you obviously have an admiration for companies that have the balls to charge
$3000+ for a piece of quality software. $3000 Paul? Come-on! Before I
spend 3k on a piece of software, my 401k will experience a huge winfall.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Anderson <hacker@geeky1.ebtech.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: AutoCAD 2000
>On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, D. Blake wrote:
>> I can't imagine
>> buying any software for $3000+ unless it is going to extend my life by at
>> least 10 years, can you?
>Do you really think it's excusable to rip off autodesk? I mean,
>Microsoft, I can see you doing that since Microsoft software is really low
>quality and not worth the purchase price, but AutoCAD is a quality
>product, has been for years. That's why it's so popular. If you can't
>afford AutoCAD 2000, then get an older version of AutoCAD(like R14 or 13,
>maybe even 12 or 11), they're all very usable, and older versions can be
>gotten quite cheaply. If you have a friend in drafting, ask him if he'd
>be willing to give you one of his old copies of autocad. Besides, chances
>are fifty-fifty that you'd send your $45 money order to Mr. Whats-his-name
>and you'd never hear from again. TTYL!
>Paul Anderson
>"This is Maurice, our sheep-herding carrot."
>http://www.hpv.on.ca sys admin