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Re: More Cad Programs from Ebay
Absolutely, I guess what I had in mind in terms of a design team (as set
forth by John Shawl) was individuals who could put their ideas on paper and
have them (the drawings) transcribed to CAD by someone with knowledge in
engineering type software. Of course it would be a challenge to learn this
complex sort of communication. But then, anyone willing to explore the
depths at risk of their lives is certainly up to just about any challenge.
We might not all be able to create technical drawings in CAD, but if we all
have the software necessary to view the results provided by the experts, we
can share in the joy of creating somethimg unique.
-----Original Message-----
From: HUNTR2@aol.com <HUNTR2@aol.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 3:13 PM
Subject: More Cad Programs from Ebay
>Hi all... one thing about that Cad 2000 cd-rom... most of those programs
>the cd are probably sales demo versions.
>For what they are worth... another Cad program... cheeeep! The question
>is... how hard are they to learn? This type of program can have a
>long learning curve.
>ANOTHER cad link:
>(This looks like a full version)