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Re: Re: Christening subs (was: Missile recovery trips)
At 11:10 PM 7/14/99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 7/14/99 8:49:46 PM, you wrote:
><<Any other ideas?>>
>Didn't they always side launch the ships at Manitowak?
Its Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Was just through there Tuesday of this week.
Took the car ferry "Badger" over from Luddington, MI.
They launched them sideways because the yard was built on the river.
Didn't have room for the traditional stern(?) first launching. Check
out this book for a great history of the only WWII fleet subs to be
built in the US interior on fresh water!
Author Nelson, William T.
Title Fresh water submarines ; the Manitowoc story
/ by Rear Admiral William T. Nelson.
Published Alexandria, Virginia : The author, c1986.
Descript. 192 p. : photos
Subject World War, 1939-1945 -- Naval operations -- Submarine.
Local subj Submarines -- History.
Add title The Manitowoc story.
The maritime museum, in Manitowoc, has a Gato class sub, S.S. Cobia,
on perpetual display. Tours available through the museum.
Steve B.