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Re: design team
protek@shreve.net wrote:
> <snip> But, I would like to state my opinion on separating
> issues, from the exchange of genuine psubs information.
Good, I think we should be able to do that from time to time!
> <snip>
> As far as the mission statement goes, I endorse such a statement but it
> should be broad enough to cover most psubs interest areas.
I guess we may all have different interpretations of the P-subs mission
statement. That is OK! There is room on the net for more ideas and other groups
to discuss these different ideas.
> <snip>In regard to an actual design of a psub's submersible, I do not
> believe that this is
> practical. Why don't we stick to the exchange of related information and
> help those people trying to get started find their way. <snip>
Uhhh OK, I thought that is what I was trying to do by actually going through
all the design steps, anyone just getting into it would have to do anyway. The
steps of designing and building a sub at home that is. That way they have an
solid example of something that will work and how we got to that point. But
since there is little interest in the overall group so far, in forming a design
team, (actually just a bunch of friends talking about building a sub that will
work), no hard feelings at all on this end, but I will take the hint and take
any more design team related e-mail someplace else. Any one else interested in
being part of the funner, smaller, gentler, kindler, "design team", group sub
project, just e-mail me on the side and we can talk someplace else. Then we can
just drop back in here once in a while with progress reports. How does that
sound team?
PS. No public archives or restrictions on the discussion topic at the place we
are going. If that's worth anything?
PSS I'm NOT leaving the group, but I will be gone away from my computer for a
few days now,
Just didn't want anybody to think I was GONE gone, that's all for now.
Jon Shawl