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Re: Fwd: Hello
I am confused as to what the problem is. Did you accept hurt when none
was intended. Please remember in this medium it is very easy to
misunderstand the tone and meaning of any comments made. Nor is
anyone here perfect.
> >From: Tommy TwoThousandOne <tommy_tommy_2001@yahoo.com>
> >Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> >To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> >Subject: Hello
> >Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 10:01:38 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >
> >
> >I'm a new member to your Psubs list and would like to know of any
> >members in Northern California with their own personal submarines that
> >I could see being prepared to dive and watch them dive so I could take
> >some pictures of them at a good diving area. Thank you, Tommy
> >_________________________________________________________
> >Do You Yahoo!?
> >Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
> >
> Hello back to you, Tommy!
> I'm also new to this psubs list. I also sent messages to the group and
> never received any "Welcome Aboard" or "Glad to meet you" responses from the
> List Master, Ray Keefer, nor the List Owner, Jonathan Wallace. Not until a
> "former" list member, Foster Phillips, requested that someone respond to my
> postings and noted the bad manners to the new list members by psub
> management, did I receive any acknowledgement of my e-mails.
I go through over 300+ emails a day due to work as well as Pusbs. Then
there are the two or three meetings a day. The "honey do" things when I
get home. I can't respond to everyone. Sorry, I do not have the bandwidth.
I have occasionally sent "Welcome Aboard" messages in the past but not
every time. So why are you expecting them? Even calling them "bad manners"
if you didn't get them? And why single me or Jonathan out? There are
over 100 members on this list. My job is just to maintain the web site,
not to read every e-mail and send replies to them.
> Foster was a refreshing gentleman, in my opinion, and it appears he was
> tossed overboard by "psubs management" and banned from the list and that is
> very very sad. I apologize to you Tommy and hope my message at least let's
Incorrect. Psubs has never "tossed" anyone off the list. Jonathan had
strongly suggested that it might happen but to date it has not happened.
A few have asked us how to unsubscribe. One very angerly demanded to be
unsubscribed (he was a topic of recent spat of email). To actually "toss"
someone off, it hasn't happened.
I wonder where these misconceptions are coming from?
> you know your nice "Hello" e-mail was received. I wish I knew of some
> personal submarines you could take pictures of in Northern California. I've
There aren't any that I know of.
> been asking the same question. You aren't going to get much help from this
> list, just lots of people trying to impress each other. If this message
We really do try to address all the issues here though we occasionly
miss one. If you don't get a reply then ask again. We usually get it
right the second time.
But then did you want 100+ emails saying we don't know of any? Silence
usually means that we don't know of any answers about a question
or topic. That is the nature of this medium, if someone does not have
anything to contribute they save the bandwidth by not sending mail.
> gets me tossed overboard from the psubs list also, it was worth it just to
> speak my mind.
Speak your mind. Please get the facts right.
> Shame on both of you Ray and Jon W. for what you did to Foster. It was very
> cruel and don't pretend you're both so overworked, hurt and unappreciated.
> Those types of sniffling messages to the list are getting too well worn.
Nonsense. We didn't do anything to Mr. Foster.
> Phil, Al, Vance and Richard and some special others should start a "real"
> and kinder psubs list as Richard has two real submarines as do a few others.
Go for it. Make it better then Psubs and I'll not have to maintain the
web site any more. Sounds like heaven.
I am getting no compensation for my efforts. I am only here to further the
field of Psubs because of my personal interest in personal submarines and
the wealth of education I have been taught here. In other words, a hobby.
If that is not good enough then by all means make a better web site and list
As for the personal attacks over the last month as to how Pusbs is being
managed. Why all of a sudden? If you are so unhappy then suggest some
solutions, voluteer to be the official greeter or create your own site.
Let's see how long before someone accuses you of being not up to snuff.
So far we have been at it since Sunday, 09 Feb 1997. We must be doing
something right. Without any advertising we have slowly grown to the
amazing stats recently reported.
Sure you can replace me. But to replace Jonathan means a new site would
have to be found. Who has a 40Mb web account to voluteer? If you go to
an ISP who is going to pay for it? You? The members? How about who pays for
the www.psubs.org IP address? Currently it costs $50 a year and Jonathan pays
for it out of his pocket with no compesation. How about the site maintainer?
Would he expect compesation? Who would pay? Would Psubs go away? Is that the
> This list really needs a Command change so the crew won't mutiny and just
> lurk. And, it's long overdue for a big, major overhaul in a "courtesy and
> honesty" drydock! Sorry, but it's the truth.
Are you ready to put 10 plus hours a week of your personal time into web
maitainance, reading email and studying the subject? Any one else ready to
step up to the plate. Talk is cheap but are you really ready to put in the
"courtesy and honesty"? I have been as courteous and honest as I can. So
what issues do you percieve I haven't? We can hash them out. Or we can
return to Psubs related topics. The latter is my choice.
> A "hurting" shipmate,
> Bye, Ginger
> _______________________________________________________________
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