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Re: Control surface configurations (was: Typhoon)
Upon reading my own response to you I realize I contradicted myself!? :-(
I said the "V" tailed Bonanza was balanced in my first reply and then went on to
explain why the "imbalance" was a good thing in my second. I am guilty as
charged. Try to go easy on me, I am quite a bit shy of perfection. I guess I
was thinking about the lifting forces only when I said it was balanced and didn't
remember the drag component until the second post. Anyway, I think you already
had the right idea regarding the low speed inadequacies of control surfaces. Any
pilot can tell you about the sluggish feel of the rudder and aileron when flying
at minimum controllable airspeed. You end up with nearly full right rudder
deflection and back aileron just to keep the aircraft going straight and level
whereas at normal speeds the movements are barely perceptible.
Ok, does anyone want to talk about hull design? I would like to bounce ideas off
someone who can help with my design. I am aiming for an ABS approvable design
but don't necessarily want to go to the expense of actually getting the approval
for my personal craft.