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Re: Control surface configurations (was: Typhoon)
Some comments (off line as they are mostly personal observation).
Michael B Holt wrote:
> OK, the book surfaced. But now, in my search, I've collected a pile
> of books for which I must now find shelves. And she thinks I',
> engaged on a cleanup, which makes her smile a lot.
Cleanup is a constant for any productive person (woman just seem to realize
it more often than men! Shelves were invented due to lack of floor space.
Investing in shelves (even particle board put it together yourself ones) is
an excellent way to conserve space and $ (which we need to build those steel
hulks we trust our lives to!).
> Not only have I dug a couple of holes for myself domestically, I've
> also been reduced to replying to my own post. There's a lesson
> of some sort here.
Just a recognition of human nature with a submariners twist. Find a good
compromise with your partners wishes but don't give in entirely, she'll lose
all respect for you! You are on the right track if she is smiling alot!
> Disadvantages are complexity and overcrowding of hardware at the
> stern and an interaction when turning which produces a vertical
> movement when only horizontal movement is desired.
A properly designed and functioning "X" tail should be balanced, and not
result in horizontal movement during vertical commands or vice-versa. Even a
half "X" like the Beechcraft Bonanza airplane is balanced! The key words are
"properly designed". If you need some help with this concept, let me know, I
can provide more detailed info.
Always enjoy hearing from the knowledgeable portion of the group, keep up the
good work.
Dick Morrisson