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Re: QuickCam Submersible
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Wallace <jon@whoweb.com>
To: personal_submersibles@whoweb.com <personal_submersibles@whoweb.com>
Date: Wednesday, 30 June 1999 3:50
Subject: QuickCam Submersible
>I looked at the splashcam.com website and it occured
>to me that a cheap quickcam connected to a laptop
>might make an inexpensive underwater camera setup.
>Has anyone attempted this?
>No but have been looking for a solution to this problem for a long time,
how do you transmit the data to the surface water does all kinds of cool
things to radio waves. It is only a recent development that U.S subs have
been able to return communication while submerged.
a solid link is the only solution or store the data then why not use a video
camera and transfer the footage when you get home.
I have e-mailed the group regarding this problem before and while extreemly
helpful no solution within a reasonable budget could be suggested.