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Re: ethos
----- Original Message -----
From: Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@eng.Sun.COM>
To: <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 1999 6:33 PM
Subject: ethos
{snip} I am thinking of another page to be added to the web site called
I want to define those delightful terms like "dead horsie" or
"stick a fork in your eye".
What I need are those terms, who first coined them, and a
brief explaination ...
> Regards,
> Ray
Dear Ray - I'm not sure about the horsie thing, but on May 3, 1999 I wrote
an email in response to a debate we were having on liability issues. It was
suggested that someone could get sued for advice given in this forum. I
responded "... Could someone really get sued for an OPINION given in our
forum. For instance, if I said," I think vegetables are awful, in fact,
next time someone serves them to you I think you should ram your fork into
your own eye!" So, now am I liable for a thousand ophthalmology bills?"
Having said this, Dave Buchner ( who we haven't heard from lately - where
are you Dave?) responded with a response entitled " Hooray (ignore this
message unless you want to stick a fork in your eye) {5/12/99}" which HAS to
make the Psub hall of fame as one of the funniest letters to cross our
forum. I gave it two thumbs up and four stars! After that, things
progressed to more and more silliness. My only point is that if you're dumb
enough to do it then you deserve to be blind ( and I didn't like broccoli).
In a similar manner, advice from this webpage has to be viewed with
scrutiny - like it says in our disclaimer. Not that anyone is intent on
passing mis-information, but if I'm going to sit on the bottom of a lake in
a propane tank, and something bad happens, it doesn't really matter who's
fault it is. My life, My Butt, My Problem and ultimately My responsibility.
Now, about those horsies...
Sincerely, Greg
Sincerely, Greg.
- References:
- ethos
- From: Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@eng.Sun.COM>