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Re: Horray for Jon's psubs group sub
Axel Iehle wrote:
> [snip]
> I read every message with the same interest. I take what I feel interesting
> and discard the rest. Simple. No place for getting aggressive or haughty.
> 3- I have an opinion about the content of the list:
> To my mind the list is made of 3 different types of messages:
> * Silly ideas, questions or answers
> * Wise ideas, questions or answers
> * off-topic discussions
> I consider all of these components as vital to our list.
> [snip]
> Off-topics can be seen as useless noise, but I rather see them as a cement
> between members that allows the list not to die. These messages maintain
> cohesion and life in the list as you can not expect (from yourself nor from
> the others) a clever idea/proposition at any time of the day. Would it be
> better if the list was silent when nobody has special things to say? I think
> not, even if I sometimes consider there's too many off-topic mail. I prefer
> that than a dying list.
> [snip] 4- The Psubgate game may seem funny but I think what motivated the removal of
> part of the archive is far from being funny. And it may well hurt some. So in
> my humble opinion, it would be better not to carry this on.
> Last: don't blame John Schestag.
Well said Axel . . .