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Re: Typhoon
Michael B Holt wrote:
> >The beauty of the Typhoon is that the deck and bilges are straight
> >panels; no twisting, torturing,
> >cold molding, steam bending, etc.
> > The stern is a wedge shape: very simple. [snip]
> I'm looking at the Revell model of the Typhoon (it sits over my
> computer).
> There's nothing at all complex about it, as you say. Only the bow would
> be an irritation, but not a challenge.
You too, huh? I skewered my Typhoon model to insert a diver so I could work out the scaling.
> [snip]
> In general, CAD is a pain in the butt to learn. I find Chine Hull
> Designer
> to be fairly simple and comprehensive (go to <www.carlsondesign.com>).
Thanks - will check it out. HEY!!! A thought just occurred to me: somewhere on the NO-Nags freeware
page, there's a comprehensive app. that will - are you all ready for this - create line drawings
from an object in a photograph!
Implication: take several pics of, say a Biber, and it will create line drawings for you. Not bad,
> >Eventually I realized that some sci-fi
> >illustrator or Russian designer had already accomplished what I was
> >struggling with: a hydrodynamic shape that was easy to build.
> Sci-fi illustrator? I'm still pointing out to some folk that the
> Seaview
> was designed by a car stylist.
The Seaview was no so good! Sure looked nice, tho'.
In the quest for the Holy Grail of sci-fi design-cool, many space craft are designed specifically as
cover art for paperbacks.
There is a wealth of drama there for the pickin's.
When, after wiping off my drool from his Exosuit mockup, I asked Phil whether he was a sci-fi fan
(it was begging the question) he looked at me kinda strange and replied that, of course, he was. As
if being a sci-fi addict was a prerequisite for cool sub design - which of course it is. ;-)
Think I'm kidding? Star Trek and Star Wars has motivated more than one NASA engineer and astronaut.
> [snip]
> >I could literally develop it on napkins if I had to.
> When you get drawings done, I'd like to see them.