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What to wear?
snip, snipity snipsnip... sniiiiiiiip.....snip...snip snip snip and SNIP.
> >So... No bikinis allowed in my sub!
> Rules! Rules are good!
> All of which inspiries a question: what do you wear when diving?
> It might be hot at the surface, but water absorbs a lot of heat, so
> something warm is needed. Comment?
> Mike Holt
Ok, now that I got that mess cleaned up a bit I will try to reply to Mikes
last logical and clean sub related question.
I usually wear shorts and a T-shirt in hot weather. The cool sides of the sub
feel good for a while as you are cooling off from the high surface temps. I
don't stay down long enough at a time to get cold. I wear jeans an long
sleeve shirt in cool weather. I imagine that you should wear what is
comfortable and appropriate for the type of diving you are doing.