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RE: Male! Lots of it!!
Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jul 1999 22:04:22 EDT DaveIrons@aol.com writes:
> >Maybe you should wear your fir lined bikinis
> Fir-lined bikinis?
> I'd think that might be uncomfortable.
Depends on what side the fur is on.
> >or perhaps you'll want to wear your long johns under your bikini
Oh man, be careful what you say now or somebody is going to want to know
who "long John" is and why he was under someone's bikini. What are you
guys trying to do start Subgate-2? Besides, that is not how two stay
warm in a sub.
> And that's totally out of the spirit of the bikini!
> Mike Holt
So... No bikinis allowed in my sub!