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3D U/W
John Brownlee wrote:
> On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, Jon Hylands wrote:
> >Yeah, it's called sound :-)
> Bah! Acoustic -punks- think they have the whole market cornered!
> Long Live Electromagnetic Radiation! Viva remote sensing!
> Whoa.
> Hmm.
> Maybe I've been working at the lab too long. Must be time for a
> beer.
> John
Careful - remote sensing is awful close to remote viewing - and that's a whole other imaging system
altogether!!! ;-)
BTW, when I was studying geomorphology in university, we used the old stereoscopic glasses and b&w
photos to simulate stereo vision (there are some examples of this on Mark Carlotto's "Face on Mars"
web page).
IYHO, how feasible would it be to incorporate a similar system on a CRT/LCD in a sub? Say we used
software to generate a stereo image (now common) using alternative w.lengths. To go one step
further in terms of the intuitive response you mentioned would, of course, be to go from mono to
stereo vision. Since we would be using an electronically gathered image, we could easily create a
stereo image to be viewed with polarized glasses ( to maintain a broad colour band).