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Re: "the psubs secret"
Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 10:53:30 -0700 (PDT) j barton <bartoni2@go.com>
> writes:
> >Hi Gene, Jon Schawl and list,
> >You have to let us newbies in on the psubs "secret tale" about what or
> >why loud mouth, white, bad John killed a horse by beating it to death
> >with a big fork. Is that how the story goes? I want to get in on the
> >joke. Is or was there really a horse? :0
> >Jack
> Oh, wow.
> Does anyone else see the wonderful opportunity this offers?
> (If anyone needs me for something, I'll be in my study composing
> a tale about a fork, a box of popsicle sticks, dead horses, Elvis and
> his submarine and . . . what did I leave out?)
Michael - you are one bad hombre. The temptation is soooooo - I dunno . . . right!
Do we all agree that Jack's karma is in rough shape?