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> ........Oh, well so much for me fitting in to find out the
> secret joke clues from Jon Shawl.
> Bob, Phil and Vance can you get into the censored flame postings from Bad
> JOHN SCHESTAG and Ray Keefer that are locked out to the psubs members?
> The psubs world wants to know why there is this "PSUBSGATE" computer lockout
> for those days. We'd all love this psubs mystery coverup to be solved.
> Must've been the flame war to end all flame wars to lock out JOHN SCHESTAG's
> naughty postings. One member named "Rebelstate" said, "Way to Go Ray" so it
> must be a good hidden story to solve. Ha!. I wrote Ray and Jon W. and they
> never answered and still stay "mum".
> Go to it Bob, Vance and Phil as you three have the smarts to investigate and
> let the rest of us know what you find out that "they" don't want "us" to
> find out! To Arms Men! :-) F. Phillips
As far as I know it got so bad that JOHN SCHESTAG's lawyer was going to sue
P-subs and or Ray if he didn't delete the files that had JOHN SCHESTAG and
others comments in it. As far as I know the files are gone and that is why you
can't get at them. That is about all I know about it. Some members in the group
probably still have his mail on there computers if they save there e-mail from
back then. It was before my time at P-subs so I don't know what he said, I just
hear that it was way worse than anything we have seen since then.
Jonathan Shawl