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Re: battery boxes
In a message dated 7/1/99 5:05:28 PM, 72020.572@compuserve.com writes:
<< We (Nuytco) have interesting design for a shallow version of the
DeepWorker, done all in fibreglas.
Phil Nuytten>>
"We at (Nuytco)" always have something interesting going on. Thanks
for the clarifications. I usually end up moseying around the Key Largo
Undersea Park on Sundays, more often than not, so never have gotten to sit
and chat with the boys. And I missed the overhaul last year, which is when
the secrets really come out. Sea Urchin looks so simple, but was obviously
not simple to build. I'd like to know more about the inverted bathtub that
seems to serve as everything from main deck to main ballast tank, too.
Something like that on my old K would definitely be interesting.
Amazing though, how much of this kind of thing gets done on those
cocktail napkins. I'd love to have a napkin sketch for the air actuated MBT
vents on SU, which look mighty similar to Aquarius's units.
As for the fiberglas DW, gimme the T-6 version any time(after my
lottery investment program pays off, that is). I'd love to spend some time on
the Andros East wall again!
Keep Well,