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Wet or Dry = Scary images of the deep
Hey, Al and Jack, stop scaring us! Just kidding guys, but both of you bring
up very good psubs safety points. Maybe that's why even the big
multi-mllion dollar subs have cables tied to the mothership and
airconditioning, TV and the like, except for the deep dive subs like your
Here, all I was worrying about was the hull crushing. If a dry sub got into
trouble and you had to let water in to get out and you are upside down or on
your side, what would you do? What's the little WWII lung you could put
on? Would you still get bent, Al? If your hatch can't be opened and you
can't swim out like in a wet sub what's a pilot to do? Good safety
certification topics that all should actually practice in your psubs. F.
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