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Re: "Bootlegging Real Psubs"
This is the first positive thing I have heard about the Zebra mussels! I have seen
them mentioned many times in terms of how often they need to be cleaned out of water
intakes and such but never anything positive. Maybe they could "accidently" be
introduced in a few other murky areas.
Thanks for the response and say hi to Moe for me next time you see him (he might even
remember me!).
"Alan D. Secor" wrote:
> Hi Dick,
> Yep, I know good ol' Moe. He was in a rebreather course with me up there.
> He had some "problems" and ended up with a caustic cocktail after flooding
> his scrubber. I keep a boat in Clayton and do quite a bit of diving up
> there.
> Everywhere from Lake Ontario up to Brockport, Ont. I believe I saw Moe's
> sub sitting in a lot at his place in Watertown several years ago.
> Not sure how long it's been since you've dove the river but the Zebra
> Mussels have really cleaned up the water. 30' vis is the norm now and
> it sometimes approaches 60-70'. There's a modern freighter wreck in
> Alex Bay which is my favorite dive right now called the Jodrey. Starts
> at about 130' at the top of the pilot house and the stern is over 200'
> deep. I use trimix on that dive!
> Enough for now...if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!
> Al
> >Alan,
> >Are you in the St. Lawrence river area? I have done some diving up there when I
> >lived in NY state. I knew a professional diver by the name of Moe Hunt who had
> >dive shops in Watertown and Clayton. He used an old navy Lark (long version of
> >the duck) for dive trips. When coming back to shore he could drive right up on
> >the beach and head into town! Tons of fun and quite a spectacle. He also had a
> >small sub which I worked on for a short time (construction/repair of the sub, not
> >underwater stuff). I have also been diving with him on a few occasions.
> >Although the viz was often poor I do remember some days when we had nearly 30 ft
> >or so. Great place for wreck dives and bottle hunting. Let me know if you have
> >run across him up there, I haven't seen him in many years.
> >Thanks,
> >Dick Morrisson
> >
> >
> --
> Alan D. Secor
> e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com