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Re: "Bootlegging Real Psubs"

In a message dated 6/28/99 5:33:35 PM, shawl@torchlake.com writes:

<<Hi Ginger,

> Now be very honest, how many in this psubs club actually own and pilot 
their own subs?

Looking around I raise my hand slowly.
You can count me as 1 amateur backyard builder that successfully made and
operate my own dry sub. I did this on my own about 15 years ago. I know of at
least 5 others, 2 are in the group, Gary and Richard. Hi guys, are you still 
there lurking? Any others?>>

And me--as to wet subs, I fooled around with some of HAP Perry's Reef Divers 
a long time ago--I liked it very well. It is a pretty thing, and can be seen 
in one of the James Bond movies carrying drugs and money. There were a bunch 
of them built, but I don't know of any that are still operating. I liked the 
idea of laying down side by side, which is the way they were designed. Pilot 
and co-pilot  could exchange roles at will as the control stick was central. 
Operating the trim system was a snap. There were several thruster variants, 
and one that I know of was built with four 3/4 horse thrusters across the 
back!  Batteries were in a transverse pod that doubled as a foot rest and was 
made of 12" PVC pipe with flat aluminum end plates. Simple and rugged.