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RE: batteries in pressurized compartment...?

Michael Holt said:

>   The difficulty with
> it would be that the entire design has to be "fixed" before any one
> system
> is started.

Actually, its the opposite! The reason I am taking this approach is that I
want to know the actual weight and displacement of little itsy bitsy
hard-to-calculate things like actuators or props BEFORE I can dimension the
pressure hull.

My design is very simplistic. All the wiggly wet bits are in two external
pods, which attach to a cylindrical pressure hull. As you can gather from
the spreadsheet I sent in a few days ago I am thinking about hull
calculations, however the exact dimensions will not be determined until I
finish the pods, at which point I'll simply weigh them submerged and
determine their center of gravity submerged. That will tell me how much
positive buoyancy the pressure hull needs (with its contents of course),
which is a much simpler calculation. I feel this approach will give me a
lower margin of error than if I tried to calculate the whole lot up front.

The basic assumption permitting this approach is that my diving depth
objective is simply "as deep as possible". If I hard a hard figure in mind,
I could not make depth a function of everything else.

Sooooo.... anyone know if I will have to drill those little holes, or shall
we all pony up and get a battery for some destructive experimentation???
